Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Light Pink Brown Tinged Cervical Fluid

Following the end of term examinations, here are some extracts from Eleanor Dolphin and Kezia Wright ’s Junior Cert mocks.

Chère Michelle,

J’espère que tu vas bien. Moi, je vais bien. Après mon séjour chez toi, j’ai passé my holiday in Donegal. I stayed in a hotel in downtown. I found it very comfortable and well located. It was convenient. Every day I swam in the heated pool. We counted rent a car, but unfortunately we have not had time.
Next week I'm going back to school. I can not wait! I love school but there will be plenty to do and my schedule is loaded.
My family is well. Yesterday was the anniversary of my sister. To celebrate, we left the restaurant and after that in box. Was owl.
Recently my father began to study French and having fun. However, he finds it very difficult.
And you, how are your friends Stefan and Paul? I hope they go well.
That's all.
Write me soon!
Friendships. Eleanor

Dear Michael,

A big hello from Ireland. How are you? I hope you are well. I'm fine. Sorry for not having written sooner but I have not had time to write to you recently.
Since I saw you in Grenoble, I was very busy. I made a living in Northern Ireland in Donegal. I had fun and it was very hot. It was sunny and I went to the beach every day. It was great.
Unfortunately next week I'm back to school. I hate the start because I can not to sleep and I have to get up early. My favorite subject is history but what I find difficult, it is the math.
My family is doing well and, believe me if you want but, as my father can not speak French, it is a course French.
How are my friends in Grenoble? If you see Katie, say hello for me. We get along because we have similar tastes.
I leave you now because I have to finish my homework. Say hello from me to your parents.
you soon.


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