Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Normal Thyroid Size Ultrasound

TY Modern Languages evening

Last evening saw the first of our TY modern languages evenings. There were nine presentations by members of the 4th Form, five in French and four in English. These were based on short projects that the whole form had done in class and were selected to be presented on this evening. Those who presented were:
Shannen Keogan Review of the Language Plays
Rab Sheeran Voyage à la Rochelle
Zuleika O 'Malley Salvador Dali
Robin Fitzpatrick selection of French rugby
Emma Moore El Flamenco
Kim Jennings The duration and buttons
Claire Conway Gaudi's Sagrada Familia y
Lingfan Gao travel to Lyon
Alex Traill Mi estancia in Vigo

Congratulations to Lingfan Gao is Winning the French section and Ciara Conway is Winning the English section.


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