Friday, January 22, 2010

Co Dzieje Sie Z Ciałem Po Smierci


Fauque Camille, 26, draws great, but not strong enough. Philibert Marquet, your neighbor, living in a huge apartment could be evicted. Franck Lestafier, cook a great restaurant, is a womanizer and a foul mouth, which irritates the only person who has loved, his grandmother Paulette, who at 83 years left to die in a nursing home. The meeting of these four characters can mean the salvation of a shipwreck announced. The relationship established between the losers of a pure heart is unprecedented wealth, they must learn to know to achieve the miracle of living.

My first story about me was when Anna Gavalda Sami recommended me together, nothing more. It is one of the most successful French writers now in their country and with more impact out. This touching story has been a surprise, and I felt very close to these four shipwrecked survivors. For the title may seem like a romantic novel, is rather a mix of genres, and I kept that teaches us what we really need in life and people are important. Full of tenderness, nostalgia at times, love, friendship, humor, irony, walking in Paris, and characters full of feelings.
You start the book and it is inevitable encariñarte with these characters, accompany them in their search and their way of what they want to be your life, because each Camille, Franck, Philibert and Paulette, have needs and although they are completely different, walk inevitably to be together. And here's the most beautiful part of this story, as diverse as people who are not family, unite their destinies, love without asking anything in return and live happily (if anything I'd like to see the film is to observe that living) . Camille and Philibert bruised by life and despised by his family, found in Franck and Paulett family had, and the old in turn recovers the illusion to live with them. The four are needed and are complementary, and that I find really beautiful.
Of the four I'll take Philibert, hold dear the gentleman from another century that always has a kind word for everyone and touched by his humanity. I also love how the author characterizes it and seeing it unfold.
Fortunately, there have been more novels of Anna Gavalda and a storybook in Castilian, the reading will go slowly. I could not stay alone together, nothing more. I recommend this book to everyone. Give a 10 round. The weather was a book I came like this.

*** "Camille was dying to draw her. His face was reminiscent of young plants of the slopes, wild violets, Francesillo, raspillas ... It was open, sweet, bright, paper-thin rice paper. The wrinkles of sadness disappeared among the scrolls of tea and gave way to thousands of tracks of goodness in the corners of his eyes. Camille
was beautiful. "

" Camille returned to this wonderful shelf thinking the world was divided into two categories: those involving Sempé's drawings and those without. However naive it may seem that Manichean theory it seemed wholly appropriate. As an example, she knew a person who, every time I flipped through a Paris-Match and discovered one of those bullets, could not avoid ridicule: I do not see the humor in this ... See if someone tells me one day what you have to laugh ... Bad luck, that person was his mother. "

" They held hands when returning to the surface. Pick hand is fine. Not really commit to that given, and soothes a lot to the recipient ... "

" - "I shall bring to a show? Are we going to see operas? Philibert
turned her singing a song operetta. Camille took her hand and smiled at Camille Franck in the mirror. The four of us, here, now, in this dilapidated Clio, released together, and come what you have to come ... The four Chorus sang the chorus of the opera. "

" Let me tell you that if being an intellectual means that one would like to learn, be curious, attentive, admiring, excited, trying to understand how things work and try to go to bed a little less silly than the day before, then yes, totally claim my status: I am not only an intellectual, but I'm also Super proud of it ... even proud ... And because I am an intellectual, as you say, I can not read motorcycle magazines that you leave lying on the toilet, and I know the new BMW R 1200 GS has a chismito address that allows it to operate gasoline shit ... "


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