Monday, February 22, 2010

Mka Sparkle Jeans Stardoll

Body parts in regular expressions

While Junior Certificate students approach the subject of health, here are some idioms related to parts body.

My eye!
(You're pulling my leg!)
I know that on the fingertips
(I know it like The Back of My Hand)
Having a lisp
(To Have A lisp)
Having a bit in hand
(To Be Extremely lazy)
Being a hothead
(to be a dare devil)
Make head
( to sulk)
You bugging me
(You are wrecking my head)
Have a grudge against
someone (to Have A Grudge Against Someone)
I have a cat in the throat
(I've got a frog in my throat)

J ' have a word on the tip of the tongue
(I Have a Word on the tip of my tongue)
It gets on my nerves
(It gets on my nerves)
Learn something by heart
(Something To learn by heart)


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