Monday, February 15, 2010

Milena Velba Ru Fobo Ru

SULTANA Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter by Julio Vargas Llosa

The young writer's love affair with a woman Varguitas family older than him, Aunt Julia, and the unrestrained presence of Pedro Camacho serials on the same radio station where Varguitas works, are two stories that are the backbone of the argument Aunt Julia and the escribidor.La noble passion of love between Aunt Julia and the apprentice novelist who Lima society of the fifties is by all means of prevention, combined with gruesome stories of the serials of waves.

Had it not been for Sonia would not have read this novel, his gift, because the only slope by this author I had at home was the Feast of the Goat, and that I was not so well known. I discovered that it was autobiographical or semi-autobiographical, the writer defined it in the prologue as autobiographical collage. The case is that it is a wonderful story, where I enjoyed the humor of everyday life. It teaches us the power of love that overcomes the hypocrisy and strong prejudices.

As I saw that happened to his readers, at the beginning of the novel do not understand while some changes but soon discover what they are about. Then the pace is relentless. Vargas uses a serial narrative mode, which hitherto had not known in his other novels, at least not as sharp as his character would create a piece Pedro Camacho their dramas.

characters with whom I stayed could not be other than Pedro Camacho, Julia and Mario. Pedro Camacho is a very peculiar personality, and it is fascinating to love their work and ability. His friendship with the star Mario, who will discover that is more akin to him than expected, offers insight into the world of radio and every day. The love story between Varguitas Julia and I like to be atypical. Mario who dreams of being a writer and lives for literature, is complemented by Julia does not have those interests, but is brave and ignore the bias.

I've gone from strength to strength with Mario Vargas Llosa, for this, his third novel I've read, is that my favorite by far (bearing in mind that poor girl's Mischief, the second I loved it). The only thing I did not like the outcome of a character otherwise not change any of this work.

"We sat and we talked about two hours. I told all my life, not the past but they would be in the future, when I lived in Paris and was a writer. I said I wanted to write since I first read Alexander Dumas, and since then dreamed of traveling to France and live in a garret, in the neighborhood of artists, totally devoted to literature, the world's most formidable thing . I told him I studied law to please my family, but the law seemed to me thick and stupid of professions, not ever would practice. I realized at one point, he was talking in a very spirited and told her first intimate stuff confessed to a friend but not a woman. "

"The son of statutory rape for survival showed the same stubbornness that had shown when he was living in the belly: it was capable of swallowing all the junk food that collected in garbage cans and that disputed the beggars and dogs. While his half brothers died like flies, tuberculosis or intoxicated, or children who become adults suffering from rickets and mental defects, passed the test, only half-Leyva Serafino Huang grew up healthy, strong and mentally passable. "


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