Friday, April 30, 2010

Temperature Of Water Freezing In Pvc Pipe

The language oral examinations

This week has seen oral examinations in many languages, some taught at St.Columba's some not. Russian, Italian, German, English, French and Irish orals are now over. Below, three pupils tell of their experiences in German, English and French.

my oral exam in German was a very interesting times spent. The exact details were explained to me until the day before. The test consists of three parts. First you talk about current topics such as Genner in a French exam. Then you have the choice to talk about a literary text, which I declined with thanks have. Dananch comes the second part where you had the choice between a picture book or a document. Since I had brought a picture of my hometown and me so was able to save her from the boring picture story. At the end, there was a role playing game, which was not much more than records from random points to form. On the whole it was a nice conversation for me as German. The only problem was that they were limited to specific topics and has increased so more small talk as a natural conservation. After the test I must say that it is very nice and also the Examiner he tries to help a wide.
John Stolberg-Stolberg

Wed prueba fue fácil ya que en Espaňol tuvimos un examinador very kind and gentle. He tried to help me with everything I said - that increased my confiance. I talked a little bit of everything - for example the Irish school system, the differences between Spain and Ireland, and as time had celebrated my birthday last year. So, say it was a conversation I could show everything that I am able to tell. Now, we just have to wait what happens in the summer. We have all good results! Victor Wachs

Mon épreuve orale était assez facile. L'était vraiment sympa examinatrice to Enregistré et elle tous les élèves. L'épreuve a lasted fifteen minutes, mais comme c'était plus cinq minutes. J'ai talked a little about my family, my life in Oman in the Middle East and my school. I have also prepared a document. My paper was a ticket for eurostar. I talked a little about my trip after the holidays and days disrupted by the volcano, I took a few modes of transportation such as car, ferry and bus. The trip was terrible but luckily I had a few days to study for my test. Patrick Faulkner

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

سيريالhalo Combat Evolved


This is a piece of Written work submitted by Victor Wachs (Form VI) as part of over-the revision history Easter holidays. It Was To The Warden recommended for a distinction. It Is In Response to the question 'Do you buy the new iPad? These gadgets are useless'

n'achèrerais I never IPAD. It's a gimmick like all the others, fashioned in the space of two years. Besides, why I liserais books on a screen? Turn the page with rejoicing in advance, it is my great pleasure to read .. By cons, it should bring more heavy books around. We could always ipad instead. In addition, the view is supposedly a good quality. Néamoins, I would say that money buying such a gadget would be a waste of 500 euro. I prefer a book even if it is outdated. In my opinion, all these gadgets are useless now Six years ago we introduced the iPod. Has it improved our lives in a any way? Could we not live without him? In fact, daily life would be better without the ipod because people will begin to talk instead of being captivated by their listeners. The iPhone has worsened. It seems that the new best friend of man. Looking at the launch of the iPod promt, I fear that human relationships disappear completely. All these gadgets are useless but this depersonalization.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Soul Eater Lesbian Doujinshi English

Happy Book Day Books and Literature

As you have seen, the blog I've been off for now, is that now I am in crisis reading (although this month I am about to finish Little Women, and will soon begin Luchana), but could not miss this special date for us readers. And by the way send you a greeting to all the bloggers I've met through this experience, especially giving a big hug Cesar, Fernando, Isi and Bookworm. Stress of the race I felt a little uphill, Isi understand me well, but as I was reading all crises pass.

Last year this day dedicated to our universal Quixote, today is dedicated to our already sadly absent Miguel Delibes. Feel sure that many orphans like me, after his departure. This left a piece of the road, in my opinion his best work, in the works I have read it. I wish I got more generations of writers as great as Delibes. Follow in on their work. This is my tribute to him, I did not do in his day.

"Something suddenly faded from deep within his being: perhaps faith in the survival of children. He warned that all end up dying, the elderly and children. He never stopped to think and in doing so now, a poignant and distressing feeling almost suffocated him. Living this way was something brilliant and something gloomy and desolate. Life was going to die every day, little by little, inexorably. "