Friday, April 23, 2010

Soul Eater Lesbian Doujinshi English

Happy Book Day Books and Literature

As you have seen, the blog I've been off for now, is that now I am in crisis reading (although this month I am about to finish Little Women, and will soon begin Luchana), but could not miss this special date for us readers. And by the way send you a greeting to all the bloggers I've met through this experience, especially giving a big hug Cesar, Fernando, Isi and Bookworm. Stress of the race I felt a little uphill, Isi understand me well, but as I was reading all crises pass.

Last year this day dedicated to our universal Quixote, today is dedicated to our already sadly absent Miguel Delibes. Feel sure that many orphans like me, after his departure. This left a piece of the road, in my opinion his best work, in the works I have read it. I wish I got more generations of writers as great as Delibes. Follow in on their work. This is my tribute to him, I did not do in his day.

"Something suddenly faded from deep within his being: perhaps faith in the survival of children. He warned that all end up dying, the elderly and children. He never stopped to think and in doing so now, a poignant and distressing feeling almost suffocated him. Living this way was something brilliant and something gloomy and desolate. Life was going to die every day, little by little, inexorably. "


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