Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monica Geller Ring Friends

tATu Sparks

is no mystery to those who read me usually my favorite band group of all time is tATu:) With all the time who had not updated the blog, added to the complicated life that I (take this opportunity to apologize for not keeping up) I missed the world premiere the second single from the band's third album, Waste Management. Those who live in Latin America or Russia are lucky enough to get to buy it in physical format. It is unclear if this album promoted in the European market. Material have is a matter of finding the right partners.

finish giving THANKS to all new followers with whom I've found on the back to the blog (and always to be entered from time to time to check if he published new things, and to know me.) Although no new material has been published in a long time, has continued to increase the number of visits and that the truth is to be grateful heart. A hug.

Sparks Are Flying in my head ....

Kitchen Pro Breadmaker Parts

readings: The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Today, John Steinbeck is one of my favorite American authors. Of the four novels I've read it, I think two deserve more than a rereading (healthy exercise that we can not practice as much as we wanted, overwhelmed by the stack of pending): the masterful The Grapes of Wrath and The Pearl.
After the first reading of La Perla (over my life I repeat), I confirm my view that is a little gem of literature does reflect a lot and would remove many consciences. The issue of human greed remains a constant, but this reading has made me more the relationship of parents Coyotito and their struggle for survival, and strength and courage of the mother. This passage struck me that I rescued, I share here with you.

"" Dr. Kino will not come, "said Joan.

She looked at him with eyes as cold as a lioness. It was the first son of Juana, almost everything that was in the world to her. Kino noticed his determination and the music sounded familiar in brain with steely tone.

"Then we'll go to him, decided to Juana. With one hand he ordered the blue shawl over her head making a back end to the crying child and the other covered her eyes against the light. "

Female Nippels Piercing

of Benito Perez Galdos Luchana

The core of this episode is the battle of Luchana, decisive for the further development of Carlist War, and the figure of General Espartero that she managed to claim victory . Interwoven with the historical fact, however, still figuring out the ups and downs of love and life Calpena Fernando liberal and romantic, character Galdós served to thread throughout this third series.

Since concluded Mendizabal's been a while, so to put myself (and situate), remember that Luchana is the fourth episode of the Third of Series EE NN. The good news is starting to emerge, we hope to continue this trend our Galdós, and when I consider the best in this third installment, with some parts reminiscent of glorious moments of the episodes.

not reveal anything saying that we are going to learn to admire more, if anything, the character of Fernando Calpena, continues to evolve more in this battle of Luchana, sublimely portrayed by Don Benito, and basting frame for it makes us much to show solidarity Calpena (and who wants to know more, you get to the end ...).

The plot, space, recreation around Aura is different from the heat of Luchana, it seems that there are two distinct parts. She also undergoes changes in this issue, while waiting for Fernando, but the author handles this part of history with the characteristic style soap opera, with the addition of new characters, protected her.


" I think politics is not by feelings but by virtue, and as we have them, low achievers."

"Oh, no, my friend, I'm very finished, and I am not a shadow of what it was. I really do not need the head, and I argue like my best times, but I will view. There are days when I see three on a donkey, and if I like this very soon I shall be blind. This grieves me because I plan to reach the nineties. Regarding my age, you will have heard a thousand legends. Some believe that I have fulfilled the century, and I recess ... Humbug: at least ten years ago I gave up that innocent coquetry.

"It represents you," wanting to flatter-up Calpena seventy ... seventy-two everything else.

- Oh, how flattering and what bon enfant! No, son ... you grow a little, and reach the seventy-eight. Yes sir, I came to the world in the noble city of Olite, in 1758. You take a look at everything that encompasses the space between that date and the Rogue 36. Yes sir, in 1758, took him eleven years with Napoleon and Wellington, who were born 69, Mozart was older than me in two years, and Schiller a year younger. Goya, my friend, the painter's very famous, I had twelve years, and I took him nine to D. Manuel Godoy. Like Napoleon, other celebrities who have already died, Beethoven, Moratín, Talma, they were much younger than me ...

- What a prodigious memory!

"Do not say you recall, say you years. When one is in the doldrums, is entertaining to adjust these sad accounts, comparing old ages ... "

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Luna Bangbros Any One Got These Movies?


In 1967, Adam Walker is a young poet eager for life and literature, with many more future than past. Study in University of Columbia, opposed the Vietnam War, and also-that they say those who know him, because he does not seem to realize, is gorgeous. And one night at a student party, he meets a French couple very sophisticated, very seductive. The first thing that calls attention to Adam is his name, Rudolf Born, as Bertrand de Born, the Provencal poet in one of the songs of Dante has his own severed head in his hands. And after several days of ambiguous seduction in which the couple is weaving its web of invisible around the beautiful and innocent American, Rudolf Born, who is a visiting professor at Columbia the School of International Affairs, Adam gives the address of a literary magazine that he financed .

Invisible is my third reading of Mr. Auster after Brooklyn Follies and Timbuktu. Has been a different reading experience. With the same background that we often have used this author, but different. Adam Walker is one of those characters you love to know every detail of his, and in this book we know, but gradually. Let's say this is a story within a story, and the change of narrative voice, do not know whether to real events or not.

Adam, an aspiring poet, willing to give everything for his passion for literature, the first thing that sparked my enthusiasm for this character meets Rudolf and Margot Born. His life changes completely. In Rudolf Auster recreates one of the most despicable personalities. As the novel progresses, there are many events phobias gruesome awakening to this character. What has merit: to create characters from both ends, hated or loved.

not reach the level of Brooklyn Follies, I think a successful novel, especially after the unexpected twist that gives the final, and certainly recommend it.


" absolutely do not remember why I was there. Someone should invite me, but has long since left my memory who might be. (...) What I remember is this: at some point in the evening, I found myself alone in a corner of the room. He was smoking a cigarette as he watched people, dozens and dozens of young bodies crammed into the confines of that space, hearing the loud mix of words and laughter, wondering what the hell was he doing there and thinking that maybe it was time to leave. There was an ashtray on a radiator to my left, and when I turned to put the cigarette I saw that subject in the palm of the hand of a stranger, full of cigarette butts receptacle amounted to me. Not that he had noticed two people had just sat down in the radiator, a man and a woman, both older than me, and no doubt longer than any that were in the room: he was about thirty-five, she twenty-nine or thirty. "

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gay Cruise Areas South Beach

Works in September 2010

Black Marble of Belgium (the purest in Europe)
H: ~ 60 cm

'OR' ynes "

Limestone 35% quartz Chassepierre (identical to our main square of Brussels Jodoigne) The polishing part and more.

H ~ 34 cm ~ 11 kg

"KALINA" Collection
Rance H: ~ 23 ~ 5.5 kg cm

Limestone Chassepierrre of 35% quartz, similar to Jodoigne and to our 'Place de Brux .
Tecnique special polishing.
H: ~ 42 cm.

inspired by a surfing very feminine .
Black Marble purest of Belgium (Mazy)
H: ~ 37 cm.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I.a.b Gardone V.t. Who Makes This Gun

French Schools

Nothing like a spot of controversy to start the new term. There has been an interesting debate going on in the French press concerning the effectiveness of the French education system, thought to be one of the most rigorous in Europe. Adding spice to the argument is that the book highlighting the system's shortcomings is written by an Englishman working as a lecturer in the prestigious Sciences-Po in Paris. This story was taken from the blog and makes for very thought-provoking reading. Peter Gumbel reveals how, in his view, the education system in France is highly selective while also demotivating a large number of the average to weaker pupils. He also goes on to criticize how French schools do not cater fully for the other educational skills which help adolescents to develop for example, sport, drama and music. Here is the link to the original story in the Nouvel Observateur and a further article in the Guardian .