Thursday, September 16, 2010

Female Nippels Piercing

of Benito Perez Galdos Luchana

The core of this episode is the battle of Luchana, decisive for the further development of Carlist War, and the figure of General Espartero that she managed to claim victory . Interwoven with the historical fact, however, still figuring out the ups and downs of love and life Calpena Fernando liberal and romantic, character Galdós served to thread throughout this third series.

Since concluded Mendizabal's been a while, so to put myself (and situate), remember that Luchana is the fourth episode of the Third of Series EE NN. The good news is starting to emerge, we hope to continue this trend our Galdós, and when I consider the best in this third installment, with some parts reminiscent of glorious moments of the episodes.

not reveal anything saying that we are going to learn to admire more, if anything, the character of Fernando Calpena, continues to evolve more in this battle of Luchana, sublimely portrayed by Don Benito, and basting frame for it makes us much to show solidarity Calpena (and who wants to know more, you get to the end ...).

The plot, space, recreation around Aura is different from the heat of Luchana, it seems that there are two distinct parts. She also undergoes changes in this issue, while waiting for Fernando, but the author handles this part of history with the characteristic style soap opera, with the addition of new characters, protected her.


" I think politics is not by feelings but by virtue, and as we have them, low achievers."

"Oh, no, my friend, I'm very finished, and I am not a shadow of what it was. I really do not need the head, and I argue like my best times, but I will view. There are days when I see three on a donkey, and if I like this very soon I shall be blind. This grieves me because I plan to reach the nineties. Regarding my age, you will have heard a thousand legends. Some believe that I have fulfilled the century, and I recess ... Humbug: at least ten years ago I gave up that innocent coquetry.

"It represents you," wanting to flatter-up Calpena seventy ... seventy-two everything else.

- Oh, how flattering and what bon enfant! No, son ... you grow a little, and reach the seventy-eight. Yes sir, I came to the world in the noble city of Olite, in 1758. You take a look at everything that encompasses the space between that date and the Rogue 36. Yes sir, in 1758, took him eleven years with Napoleon and Wellington, who were born 69, Mozart was older than me in two years, and Schiller a year younger. Goya, my friend, the painter's very famous, I had twelve years, and I took him nine to D. Manuel Godoy. Like Napoleon, other celebrities who have already died, Beethoven, Moratín, Talma, they were much younger than me ...

- What a prodigious memory!

"Do not say you recall, say you years. When one is in the doldrums, is entertaining to adjust these sad accounts, comparing old ages ... "


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