Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Erncres and Ecoline on black paper.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Some excerpts from the book,
Late at night between 2 and 4 am -....... ...-'

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Gym 4-0 GRAP

Eleven Holder: Vitor Maranhão, Serginho Silva, Helio, Nuno Sousa, Fábio Rosado, Nuno Coelho, Hugo Pereira, Fabio, Bruno Silva and Ruben New

entered: Tiago Lopes (Fabio Rosado) David "Caracol" (David New) and Daniel Bruno (Nuno Coelho)

Goals: Ruben Silva (4)

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Results Results

Nazarene 0-4 Gym
Goals: Fabio Barata, Michael Matthias (2) and Nuno Pacheco

Gym 1-1 Beneditense

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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* Car Mexican who wants to conquer Europe

HISTORY - The Mexican car that wants to conquer Europe

Unknown ago less than a month and not yet commercialized, the MXT sports car Mastretta Mexico Cars, came out of anonymity through a program Ironically the BBC accused of racism in Mexico ... and preparing to set out to conquer the European market.

late January, the hosts of "Top Gear", a show on the car very popular compared to the vehicle, designed and manufactured in Mexico, a "tortilla" (corn pancake). With their provocative and mocking They then compared the performance characteristics of the Mexican people, "unbalanced mustache, lazy, incompetent and bloated," just good enough to "look at the cactus with a blanket with a hole on the back" . The British chain has had to quickly apologize flatly, and visitors have flocked to the website to discover the Mastretta Cars car as controversial.

The two-seater, capable of accelerating from 0 to 100 km / h in under five seconds and reach 230 km / h peak is virtually hand-assembled with the help of precision instruments for all models are identical. Its production is limited to one hundred copies in its first year, should move quickly to five hundred copies at a cost exceeding EUR 45 000.

The first units of this model for a clientele of men aged 30-50 years speeders, will be delivered to Mexico in April and Europe in the second half.

Bien à vous ,
Morgane BRAVO

Friday, February 25, 2011

Add Name To Deed Cost

Preparatory Sketches and Watercolors

It not about ages, not about the way you look.
Just about Heart and Soul.

Crimson Hearts Children : Eterny/Justin.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lump Between Gum And Cheek

...* * MEXICO: IN * LIVE *

07:00 A 18:30 HRS.

* MEXICO AND THE 2.0 ... Its corporate communication:

Yours ,
Morgane BRAVO

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Nazarene 1-1
Gym (Goal: Fabio Rosado)

Gym 1-2
SL Navy (Goal: Rafael Tereso)

Youth: SL Navy

Open Gym A:
Gym 3-1 Beneditense

tinkered B:
Nadadouro - Gym?

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Some preview for next pages =)


Monday, February 21, 2011

Light Period And Increased Cervical Mucus

Legends of Xico: Presentation to the Quai Branly Museum

Instituto Cultural de Mexico in Paris informs you
the creative Mexican Cristina Pineda
decided to suspend the presentation of his book
Legends of Xico
planned at the Museum Quai Branly Friday, February 25.

Morgane BRAVO

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anime Tonguepiercings

suspended * * Court: publica en Internet el expediente judicial Florence Break

El Septimo Collegiate Criminal Court of First Circuit Federal Judicial Council issued the record of the French Cassez Florence, jailed for kidnapping in Mexico.
According to the document the woman said there were five violations in the judicial process against him, accusing it of illegal deprivation of liberty , possession of firearms and organized crime.
Elements, Cassez accused of irregularity in the rules of procedure absence of an arrest warrant against , also said his arrest was part of an assembly, and was not available to the Ministry Public immediately.

also argued that failure to respect established rules for the practice of measures of confrontation, and that their rights are violated being resident , by not giving notice of his arrest to the embassy.

After reviewing the record, the Court ruled on February 11, 2011 not to defend or protect a French citizen, so upheld the sentence of 60 years against him issued by the First Unitary Tribunal in Criminal Matters the First Circuit.

According to the document posted online, the appeal was denied as unfounded and irrelevant to consider the concepts of rape made by the defense Cassez.

The court argued that in flagrante delicto, any person may arrest the suspect , especially when it comes to police officers in the line of duty.

added that the magistrate court did not consider responsible for the content of the videos that were broadcast on television news.

considered that the authority did not violate the plaintiff guarantees to not practice the adversarial proceedings, since such a measure serves to improve the oral evidence.
also mentioned that the Federal Public Ministry tried communicated to the embassy, which was not possible, getting no response from such diplomatic representation.

concluded that both crimes are accredited Cassez attributed to criminal liability as about, because if it is true that the victims failed to see it face-to have it covered, "provided some data that coincided with the French, as her voice, her accent, color and texture of the skin on your hands and your hair color.

February 20, 2011

most important
  • The prosecution tried to communicate the French embassy to let you know Cassez arrested in 2005
  • The responsible court judge did not take into account the content of the videos that were broadcast on television programs


Bien à vous ,
Morgane BRAVO

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Moleskine + Pages

An excerpt from the 2011 sketchbook

And two pages further on:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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* * What are the consequences of the use of the politician Florence Case Break? : Open Letter

France, Mexique, a huge fiasco
Lettre ouverte The Mexican court decision on ruling Cassez triggered last few days in France a series of reactions from the government, political parties and media, which just resulted in a huge fiasco. We have seen a rise in power of position, since the declaration of the Minister of Foreign Affairs refused to participate in events planned for the Year of France in Mexico and the call Martine Aubry asking local Socialist boycott these events and cancel those that depend on them. February 14, dedicating the Year of France in Mexico in Florence Break, Nicolas Sarkozy has taken a heavy responsibility. You can not ask for artists, writers and French scientists, as well as Mexicans, to accept being used as leverage in matters within the justice and diplomacy. This is not acceptable for us French, nor for our Mexican colleagues. It is a mixture of genres unacceptable that led to the decision logic, the Mexican government to withdraw.
Year in Mexico is an event designed to raise awareness of this countries. In no case can it be manipulated by governments as a means of pressing a matter for the judiciary Mexican and French diplomacy. We reaffirm our commitment concerning scientific, cultural and human resources with partners who have always accepted with respect, attention and friendship, and many have chosen to study in France and then work with us.
We ask the French President Chirac to reconsider his decision to dedicate the Year of France in Mexico Cassez and reaffirm our friendship with Mexico.

S IGNATAIRES : Daniele Dehouve, CNRS research director, research director EPHE; Marie-France Fauvet-Berthelot, Museum of Man; Alain Musset, director of studies EHESS; Françoise Lestage, Professor , Université Paris-Diderot; Marguerite Bey IEDES-University of Paris-I; Claude Battalion, CNRS Jean Rivelois, IRD; Helios Figuerola Erea; Gregory Pereira, CNRS Olivia Kindl, el Colegio de San Luis, Mexico; Joëlle Chassin, Professor, University of Paris III; Devineau Julie, sociologist Anne-Marie Vié-Wohrer, Ecole du Louvre / Ephesians; Menget Patrick, director of studies Ephesians; Anne-Marie Losonczy, director of studies Ephesians; Marie-France Prevot Schapira, Professor, University of Paris VIII-credit Anath Ariel de Vidas, CNRS-EHESS ; Battalion Gilles, director of studies EHESS; Francois Lartigue Cies, Mexico; Danielle Zaslavsky, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico Marc Thouvenot, CNRS research director, Eliane Daphy, anthropologist, CNRS engineer; Valentina Vapnarsky, director of the center Erea-CNRS Karine Palatinate, research professor, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico; -Michel Tibon Cornillot, EHESS; Irene Bellier, director of the Laboratory of Anthropology institutions and social organizations -EHESS; Stresser-Claude Pean ethnologist; Serge Gruzinski, CNRS Research Director, Director of Studies EHESS; David Robichaux, Professor, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico; Brigitte Faugere, Professor, University of Paris I; Philippe Macaire, anthropologist; Martine Dauzier, Professor, University East Paris Creteil; Hélène Rivière d'Arc, CNRS Guilhem Olivier, IIH-Unam, Mexico; John Landaburu CNRS research director; Charlotte Arnauld, CNRS research director; Bernard Vincent EHESS research director; Sophie Fisher EHESS; Patrice Mele Professor, University of Tours John Meyer Cide, Mexico; Claudia Cirelli, Citeres UMR-University of Tours Cramaussel Chantal, el Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico; Isabelle Rousseau Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Ceri Sciences-Po Paris; Mongnai Pascal, during Arts of the Americas, School of the Louvre; Urkidi Nadia Prevost, University of Le Havre; Nicolas Ellison, EHESS, Toulouse ; Eric Taladoire, Professor, University of Paris-I; Kali Argyriadis, IRD-ciated Mexico Maria Eugenia Cossio-Zavala, Professor, University Paris-III; Annick Lempérière, University of Paris-I. Séverine Durin, CIES Monterrey, Mexico; Virginia Baby-Collin, University of Provence; Élodie Dupey García-IIH Unam, Mexico; Afranio Garcia EHESS; Mary Carmen Macias, Cemca, Mexico; Nadine Béligand, Cemca, Mexico; Lionel Massun, Mexico Catherine Massun, Mexico Anthony Stanton, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico; Magali Demanget, University Paul Valery, Montpellier III; Catherine Paquette IRD; Michel Bertrand, University of Toulouse- IUF; Eva Lemonnier, -CNRS UMR 8096; César Itier, Inalco; Nathalie Ragot University Paris-VII; Cécile Gouy-Gilbert, anthropologist; David Recondo, Ceri Sciences Po Paris; Josyane Bouchier, consultant at développement; Marion Du Bron, Oaxaca; Elizabeth Cunin, IRD; Philippe Charles imp-Actes association, Marie-Laure Coubès, the Northern Border College, Mexique; Lise Andries, directrice de recherche, CNRS. C3 % A9norme-fiasco-465 493

* President Calderon demands Respect vers la France Mexico ... President Calderon respeto hacia Francia requires a México *


Cassez * Case: Open Letter to President Sarkozy ... *

Morgane BRAVO

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...* * Case Break: Mexican President

Diplomatic relations between France and Mexico remain tight around the case of Florence Break. For the first time since the dismissal of his appeal, Mexican President Felipe Calderon has spoken publicly on Mexican television.


Morgan BRAVO

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Press release 17 February 2011 by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico confirms that the French national Cassez can not be a transfer to serve his sentence in France under the terms of the Strasbourg Convention.

The spokesman of the Government of the French Republic, Francois Baroin asked last February 16 in Mexico, "to respect the international conventions it had subscribed, particularly that concerning the transfer to their countries of origin of persons definitively convicted abroad."

The ministry said that the Strasbourg Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons establishes a clear and precise that there must be an agreement between sentencing and the State Implemented in the implementation of its provisions. The transfer is permissive for the requested State.

Regarding the case of Florence Break and in response to a letter from President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Felipe Calderon has told his French counterpart, February 6, 2009 "that will possible to consider the applicability of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons, adopted in Strasbourg, France, March 21, 1983, after the condemnatory decision is definite.

Contrary to the submission of several anonymous sources, the head of the Mexican state did not at any time pledged to authorize the requested transfer.

As you can see in the text of this letter, the engagement was limited to "consider the applicability" of the Strasbourg Convention.

is precisely to consider the possibility that Presidents Calderón and Sarkozy have established in March 2009, a binational commission of jurists to study carefully the Strasbourg Convention. In June 2009, after the Binational Commission met for three months, the government of Mexico has concluded that the conditions for granting the transfer of Florence Break in France were not met.

This decision was reaffirmed by President Felipe Calderón to President Nicolas Sarkozy in a letter signed July 22, 2009, where it is reported that "the differences between the legal systems of Mexico and France does not allow my government to give consent for Mrs. Florence Break is transferred to France to serve out the remainder of the sentence imposed by Mexican courts. "

In this letter, President Calderón said: "This decision is based on the Strasbourg Convention, which includes, among other requirements for a transfer, the consent of the sentencing State. "

It is therefore not possible to argue that at one point there was talk of transferring Cassez in the case of a final conviction.

The position of the Government of Mexico is based on the following considerations:

· ; There are significant differences between Mexican and French legal systems that prevent Cassez serving in France the entire sentence imposed by the Mexican justice.
· interpretative declarations made by France in the Strasbourg Convention does not guarantee that Cassez purge its entire sentence in French.
· These statements provide that, where Cassez be transferred to their country of origin, his sentence would be subject to decisions of the French judicial authorities with regard to its implementing rules, including suspension or reduction.
· For Mexico, one of the primary conditions is that the sentence of 60 years in prison is completed in its entirety, as Mexican law does not provide for serious crimes like kidnapping, early release or reduction trouble.

The Mexican government respects and undoubtedly in good faith its international obligations. In this case, it did so by considering, as he had promised, the possibility of applying the Convention of Strasbourg in the case of Florence Break.

Close examination of this issue led to an irrefutable conclusion: to consent to the transfer amount to permit another State, an absolutely unjustified, allows the reduction or cancellation of sentence against Cassez for crimes she committed in Mexico.

In Mexico, the crime of kidnapping is punishable by a maximum sentence. It is indeed a legal provision that reflects the deep stern condemnation of Mexican society vis-à-vis the crime and its determination to eradicate it.

Such is the punishment that awaits all those convicted in Mexico for felony, whether Mexican or foreign.

Mia Nadine Jansen Friend

Presidente Calderon respeto hacia Francia requires a México * President Calderon demands respect from France to Mexico

In an interview with TV Azteca Querétaro, President Felipe Calderon, requires respect for Mexico and its institutions to countries (in this case France, for the case Cassez Florence).

Benito Pablo Juárez García
The Lic. Benito Juárez García was the first Mexican president of indigenous origin, initiatives and reforms have laid the groundwork for the current system of government of Mexico .

"Respect the rights of others is peace"
Respect the rights of others is peace

Respect the rights of others is peace.

Respect the rights of others is peace.

The famously ; President Benito Juárez
"Between individuals, as between nations, respect for foreign law is Peace", was set for July 15, 1867, in a speech on entering the city in triumph Mexico City after the defeat
and the execution of Maximilian I Mexico
of Hapsburg

(Maximilian von Habsburg, Emperor of Mexico made by Napoleon III)
                    et the reversal the Second Mexican Empire.


Morgane BRAVO

Friday, February 18, 2011

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* ..* Florence Break, French or convicted?

Philippe Bilger
Lawyer General at the Court of Appeal of Paris

Blows chin inappropriate not only hurt those who use them.

For several days, Cassez returned to the forefront of our news. Sentenced to sixty years imprisonment by the Mexican judicial authorities for complicity in kidnapping, she did not succeed in his latest appeal. Immediate, strong support was expressed that culminated in the reception at the Elysee Cassez parents and his lawyer Frank Berton.

It is difficult for me to address a subject close to my heart terribly friend Berton, remarkable and tireless advocate. But I will not address the question of innocence Cassez. To speak bluntly, only three people absolutely believe: his parents and Mr. Berton. To me, outside of my trust in the latter - but also defend it nobly deceived, right? - I do not have any evidence that would allow me to be sure of his guilt or otherwise (Le Figaro, Le Monde, Mediapart, France 2).

Also, what is important is to try to determine why the judicial implementation diplomacy at the highest level seems outrageous or inappropriate. I feel that with Cassez, we have not ceased to be in confusion, in a form of ambiguity which refers also to many precedents doom of French nationals abroad. Is it always come to the aid of French citizens when they are overwhelmed by a hostile fate, having been condemned or simply victims of random unlucky? Is this instead of getting involved in a fight where no real knowledge at all costs one seeks to demonstrate the injustice of conviction and thus the certainty of innocence? Because, according to the record chosen, the approach of the State, if he considers it his duty to commit to this point can not be the same.

, France did indeed privileged one branches of the alternative or she has attempted, in his peril diplomatic, playing on two tables at once? Seek to assist our fellow and at the same time, dispel Mexican democracy that would more or less condemned unfairly. The first goal, which seemed to be the most legitimate and most effective over the news has been reduced in favor of the latter which, however, had accumulated the double disadvantage of humiliating Mexico and be virtually impossible to achieved, except to hope for a miraculous turnaround of the Mexican justice system.

Indeed, how otherwise analyze entry in a balance of power in an escalation that the first step is already excessive, when Michele Alliot-Marie immediately remove the threat of Mexico's Year in France? Attitude so rightly denounced, and was a scout, by Vincent Jauvert ( What else a terrible wound to national pride could result from this extreme decree, moreover amended quickly but the damage was done.

Then the questioning of the state of Mexican law, as if we were a perfect democracy in front of a justice "developing", has compounded a process infinitely evil committed. Obvious that to be within the registry's innocence Cassez, such outbreaks of hostility were not only unnecessary but cons-productive.
I would argue that the climax in the imprudence was given by the president when he expressed an intention to dedicate the Year of France in Mexico - including Mexico, and it was not unexpected, retired - Florence Break! Think of the pay or the French, the crimes charged unhappy or shut up, this seems to me to dedicate more than a demagogic impulse, a tribute inappropriate and dangerous than the heart, a Republican, was nonetheless entitled to be lucid. Whatever they think of Florence Break in their hearts how many French are so excited to be put to use in this adventure in which France does too much and Mexico inevitably less (20 Minutes, Liberation !)

In reality, against the din of diplomacy this "the chin" to satisfy the only plausible purpose - to enforce the sentence by Florence Break in France, whatever the differences, not insurmountable, between the two countries to the nature of sanctions - it would have agreed to show modesty and restraint. The least we would not come with an ostensibly triumphant speech to persuade a country that has it, let us return to a French woman. Cassez has grasped that by expressing his anxiety has deterred the arrogant and reckless who wanted more "afford" Mexico and thus overwhelm her even more. Me Berton also that, despite the intensity of its replicas court has never made any compromise impossible on this plan.

There is still time to make a clear choice. In the silence and discretion, reach back to Florence Break in France. Or continue in the sound and fury, to pretend to exonerate a convicted Mexico.

* Florence Break: do not confuse pride and arrogance * Christian Vanneste, UMP North *

Morgane BRAVO

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Hack Balance To My Sidekick 08

* * THE FRANCE & MEXICO: Bilateral Relations - Historical background *

*** Bilateral Relations - Historical background ***

The first unofficial diplomatic relations between France and Mexico back 26 November 1826. It took, indeed, 1830 that France recognizes independence of Mexico, proclaimed nine years ago. Trade issues marked the calendar bilateral started (in 1827, an agreement signed in Paris on both parties mutually recognized the status of "most favored nation"), but also complaints from French citizens, who suffer damage during Mexican civil wars.

These complaints, as well as the economic interests of France (the Mexican Congress and refused to ratify the trade agreement), are the cause of the conflict pitted the two nations: first, in 1838, during the "War of the cake," and in 1862, during the French intervention in Mexico.

After the fall, then at death, 19 June 1867, Maximilian of Hapsburg, the Franco-Mexican relations have experienced a break of thirteen years. Only 27 November 1880 that the two countries resume their diplomatic relations. Thus in 1886 a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation was signed in Mexico, which treated each of the signatory states undertook to implement each clause of the most favored nation. Between 1880 and 1910, that is to say during the period that corresponds to the regime of Porfirio Díaz in Mexico and the Third Republic in France, the trade increased, especially in trade, industry and culture.

From 1910, the first year of the Mexican revolution, civil strife torn Mexico, marking its lasting relationships with the world. For its part, France enters World War I in 1914. At the end of the war, Charge d'Affairs provides diplomatic representation in each country. At that time, the negotiation of the Convention complaints relating to damage caused to citizens by the French Revolution is at the center of bilateral relations.

From 4 to 9 October 1924, General Plutarco Elías Calles was traveling in France, as president-elect. Then in 1942, President Avila Camacho declared war on Germany, which led to the severance of diplomatic relations with the Vichy government. The Mexican government then agreed to meet informally with the Free France of de Gaulle, who sent a delegation to Mexico City. After the second world war, diplomatic relations be normalized, so that from 1945, the embassies representing each country.

The Mexican Embassy in France was able to contribute to the negotiation of the new Franco-Mexican Trade Agreement, signed in Mexico City November 29, 1951, by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Manuel Tello and Ambassador of France Mr. Gabriel Bonneau. Other agreements were concluded during this period, including a Convention for the Protection of Copyrights (1950) and Convention on the scheduled air transport (1952). In the cultural field, the year 1952 was marked by a major exhibition of Mexican art Paris.

Between 1954 and 1982, the Mexican diplomatic activity in Paris have boomed. Thus, Pemex, but also the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) opened an office in Paris, a city where a tourist office and a cultural center in Mexico have also emerged.

Politically, the state visits of Presidents Adolfo Lopez Mateos and Charles de Gaulle in 1963 and 1964 respectively, have paved the way for greater cooperation. In 1965, an Agreement on cooperation in science and technology has been adopted. In 1973, President Luis Echeverria won the support France, during a visit to the country to promote the Charter of Rights and Duties of States, proposed by Mexico at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD III April 1972).

Following a visit to Mexico of President Valery Giscard d'Estaing, President José López Portillo came to her turn in France in 1980. The need to balance the trade deficit for Mexico was then retained as a priority. In 1981 a treaty of economic cooperation was adopted and an agreement between Pemex and the French oil company (PSC), covering the supply of this energy resource.

The Franco-Mexican declaration of August 28, 1981 on El Salvador showed that the two countries shared the same view regarding the solution to the conflict raging in Central America then. In 1981, President François Mitterrand made a state visit to Mexico, as part of its participation in the Summit of Heads of States and Governments of North-South, held in Cancun in October of that year .

From 20 to 23 June 1985, President Miguel de la Madrid moved an official visit to France. On this occasion, 14 cooperation agreements have been adopted and investment projects were launched, for a total of 217.6 million.

Invited in 1989 to commemorate the bicentennial of the French Revolution, President Carlos Salinas de Gortari visited France. He returned in 1992 during an official visit during which he met President François Mitterrand and made a speech at the headquarters of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), shortly before Mexico became a member of this organization. The Framework Agreement of Cooperation, adopted February 18, 1992, has, moreover, French and Mexican governments to strengthen their cooperation and friendship.

is in this dynamic part of the state visit of President Ernesto Zedillo in France in October 1997, on the one hand, and that of President Jacques Chirac in Mexico in November 1998, on the other hand, that has reignited the political dialogue between the two countries. New perspectives are thus drawn in terms of trade and investment, and in all areas of bilateral cooperation.

In this context, we emphasize the many meetings between the leaders of the two countries at various international forums and bilateral visits. President Fox has made five visits to France since his election in July 2000: In October 2000, at first, as president-elect, and in October 2001, during a working visit to Toulouse, then in Strasbourg Council of Europe and the European Parliament in May 2002 and in November 2002 for an official visit, and finally, in June 2003 to attend the Meeting the G8 Enlarged Dialogue in Evian. For his part, French President Jacques Chirac visited Mexico twice since 2002, the summits in Monterrey (March 2002) and Guadalajara (May 2004).

From 17 to 19 November 2004, under the Franco-Mexican Economic Forum-Quebec Futurallia 2004, Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, paid a working visit to Mexico, which represented the first move of a French head of government in this country. The common position adopted by both countries on various international issues (Iraq, Middle East, Haiti and the UN reform) was reaffirmed during a meeting with President Vicente Fox Quesada, held November 18. On this occasion, the two officials also discussed several topics related to the economic agenda, as well as bilateral cooperation. In the cultural field, they signed a Joint Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Finally, the same day, during a speech at the forum of the Senate of the Republic, Mr Raffarin has expanded on the excellent state of bilateral relations.

Diplomacy : February 2011
"Break Florence, aged 36, has protested his innocence since his arrest in 2005. His appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected last week. Break The case turned into a diplomatic incident between France and Mexico. Mexico has announced his withdrawal on Monday of the year from Mexico to France to protest against the decision of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to dedicate the 350 events in the young woman.

Shortly before the announcement of refusal transfer Cassez, Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Mexico Lourdes Aranda said the government had souhaiter ne pas joins mexicain escalade du conflit avec la France diplomatique. Elle a toutefois prévenu you conflit "IRAIT jusqu'au point où qu'il you gouvernement français souhaiter arrive." 18/02/2011

*** Bilateral Relations - Historical Background ***

Mexico and France established diplomatic relations on an informal basis on 26 November 1826. It was not until 1830, however, that France recognized the independence of Mexico, nine years after its completion. The first items on the agenda were bilateral trade-in 1827 was signed in Paris an agreement whereby both parties were granted the most favored nation treatment, and claims of French citizens for injuries suffered during the civil wars of Mexico. It was precisely

claims and economic interests of France, the Mexican Congress refused to ratify the trade agreement, "which led to a conflict between two countries: first, in 1838, with the so-called war of the cakes "and then in 1862, with the French Intervention in Mexico.

Following the overthrow of the Archduke Maximilian of Hapsburg and his death on 19 June 1867, Franco-Mexican relations were suspended for thirteen years. The two countries restored diplomatic relations on November 27, 1880. In 1886 Mexico signed a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation. Each of the Governments party gave the other the most favored nation clause. During the last two decades of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, which corresponds in Mexico the regime of Porfirio Diaz and France to the Third Republic, the exchanges between the two countries were intensified, especially in the commercial, industrial and cultural.

During the Mexican Revolution since 1910, Mexico experienced a period of internal conflicts which resulted in its foreign relations. For its part, France from 1914 pitted the First World War. At the conclusion of this stage, the diplomatic representation between the two countries was established at the level of charge d'affaires. The negotiation of the Claims Convention on Damage Caused to French by the Revolution, was central to the agenda during those years.

General Plutarco Elias Calles, elected as president, made a visit to France from 4 to October 9, 1924. Later, when President Avila Camacho declared a state of war with Germany in 1942, Mexico broke relations with the Vichy government. At that time, the Mexican government agreed to initiate informal contacts with the "Free French" of General de Gaulle, through its delegation in Mexico City. After the Second World War, diplomatic relations between the two countries were normalized, and in 1945 the legations of the two countries rose to the rank of ambassador.

The Embassy of Mexico in France contributed to the negotiation of the new Franco-Mexican Trade Agreement, signed in Mexico City on November 29, 1951 by Foreign Minister Manuel Tello and the Ambassador of France Gabriel Bonneau. Other agreements were made at that time, including a convention for the protection of copyright (1950) and a Regular Air Transport Agreement (1952). Culturally, the year 1952 was memorable for a major exhibition of Mexican art in the city of Paris.

The period from 1954 to 1982 is three decades of expansion of the activities of the diplomatic representatives of Mexico in Paris. In addition to the work of the Embassy, opened offices in Paris Pemex, Tourism, National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and Centro Cultural.

Politically, the visits State of the Presidents Adolfo Lopez Mateos and Charles de Gaulle in 1963 and 1964, respectively, opened space for greater cooperation. In 1965, he signed an Agreement on Scientific and Technical. In 1973, President Luis Echeverria visited France on that occasion won the support of that country to the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States, that Mexico had proposed at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD III) in April 1972.

order to correspond to the state visit to Mexico by President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, President Jose Lopez Portillo paid a visit of State to the French Republic in 1980, during which he emphasized the need to balance the trade deficit for our country. In 1981 he signed an Economic Cooperation Agreement and an oil supply agreement between PEMEX and the French Petroleum Company (PIC).

Franco-Mexican declaration of El Salvador, 28 August 1981, revealed the positions of both countries coincide on the settlement of the situation then prevailing in Central America. In 1981, President François Mitterrand paid a state visit to Mexico in connection with their attendance at the Summit of Heads of State and Government North-South, held in Cancun in October of that year.

President Miguel de la Madrid made a state visit to France from 20 to 23 June 1985. As a result of this, they signed 14 agreements of cooperation in various fields and committed investments for a total amount of 217.6 million dollars.

President Carlos Salinas de Gortari went to France invited the bicentenary of the French Revolution in 1989 and in 1992, paid an official visit where he met with President François Mitterrand. At that time, the governments of Mexico and France decided to strengthen its collaboration and friendship through the signing of a Cooperation Framework Agreement on 18 February 1992.

In this sense, the state visits to France by President Ernesto Zedillo in October 1997 and President Jacques Chirac to Mexico in November 1998, promoted political dialogue and resulted in new opportunities in trade, investment and and in various areas of bilateral cooperation.

In recent years highlights the many meetings between the Heads of State of both countries on the occasion of various international and bilateral visits. Thus, while President Fox has made five visits to France since his election July 2000 (as president-elect in October 2000 working visit to the city of Toulouse, in October 2001 visit to Strasbourg the Council of Europe and the European Parliament in May 2002 official visit in November 2002 , and on the occasion of the Meeting of G8 Enlarged Dialogue in June 2003 in Evian) French President Jacques Chirac, traveled twice to Mexico since 2002, during the Summit of Monterrey (March 2002) and Guadalajara (May 2004).

As part of the celebration of the economic forum France-Mexico-Québec Futurallia 2004, Prime Minister Jean Pierre Raffarin made a working visit from 17 to 19 November of 2004, which represented the first movement of a head of the French government to Mexico. During his meeting with President Vicente Fox Quesada (November 18, 2004), both emphasized the convergence of positions between Mexico and France in various issues on the international agenda (Iraq, Middle East, Haiti, comprehensive reform of the UN) and addressed issues of economic agenda of bilateral cooperation. In cultural matters, both governments signed a Joint Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Also during his speech before the full Senate, Raffarin reviewed the excellent status of the bilateral relationship.

Mexican Embassy in France


Morgan BRAVO