Friday, February 18, 2011

Clip Art Of Nerf Guns

* ..* Florence Break, French or convicted?

Philippe Bilger
Lawyer General at the Court of Appeal of Paris

Blows chin inappropriate not only hurt those who use them.

For several days, Cassez returned to the forefront of our news. Sentenced to sixty years imprisonment by the Mexican judicial authorities for complicity in kidnapping, she did not succeed in his latest appeal. Immediate, strong support was expressed that culminated in the reception at the Elysee Cassez parents and his lawyer Frank Berton.

It is difficult for me to address a subject close to my heart terribly friend Berton, remarkable and tireless advocate. But I will not address the question of innocence Cassez. To speak bluntly, only three people absolutely believe: his parents and Mr. Berton. To me, outside of my trust in the latter - but also defend it nobly deceived, right? - I do not have any evidence that would allow me to be sure of his guilt or otherwise (Le Figaro, Le Monde, Mediapart, France 2).

Also, what is important is to try to determine why the judicial implementation diplomacy at the highest level seems outrageous or inappropriate. I feel that with Cassez, we have not ceased to be in confusion, in a form of ambiguity which refers also to many precedents doom of French nationals abroad. Is it always come to the aid of French citizens when they are overwhelmed by a hostile fate, having been condemned or simply victims of random unlucky? Is this instead of getting involved in a fight where no real knowledge at all costs one seeks to demonstrate the injustice of conviction and thus the certainty of innocence? Because, according to the record chosen, the approach of the State, if he considers it his duty to commit to this point can not be the same.

, France did indeed privileged one branches of the alternative or she has attempted, in his peril diplomatic, playing on two tables at once? Seek to assist our fellow and at the same time, dispel Mexican democracy that would more or less condemned unfairly. The first goal, which seemed to be the most legitimate and most effective over the news has been reduced in favor of the latter which, however, had accumulated the double disadvantage of humiliating Mexico and be virtually impossible to achieved, except to hope for a miraculous turnaround of the Mexican justice system.

Indeed, how otherwise analyze entry in a balance of power in an escalation that the first step is already excessive, when Michele Alliot-Marie immediately remove the threat of Mexico's Year in France? Attitude so rightly denounced, and was a scout, by Vincent Jauvert ( What else a terrible wound to national pride could result from this extreme decree, moreover amended quickly but the damage was done.

Then the questioning of the state of Mexican law, as if we were a perfect democracy in front of a justice "developing", has compounded a process infinitely evil committed. Obvious that to be within the registry's innocence Cassez, such outbreaks of hostility were not only unnecessary but cons-productive.
I would argue that the climax in the imprudence was given by the president when he expressed an intention to dedicate the Year of France in Mexico - including Mexico, and it was not unexpected, retired - Florence Break! Think of the pay or the French, the crimes charged unhappy or shut up, this seems to me to dedicate more than a demagogic impulse, a tribute inappropriate and dangerous than the heart, a Republican, was nonetheless entitled to be lucid. Whatever they think of Florence Break in their hearts how many French are so excited to be put to use in this adventure in which France does too much and Mexico inevitably less (20 Minutes, Liberation !)

In reality, against the din of diplomacy this "the chin" to satisfy the only plausible purpose - to enforce the sentence by Florence Break in France, whatever the differences, not insurmountable, between the two countries to the nature of sanctions - it would have agreed to show modesty and restraint. The least we would not come with an ostensibly triumphant speech to persuade a country that has it, let us return to a French woman. Cassez has grasped that by expressing his anxiety has deterred the arrogant and reckless who wanted more "afford" Mexico and thus overwhelm her even more. Me Berton also that, despite the intensity of its replicas court has never made any compromise impossible on this plan.

There is still time to make a clear choice. In the silence and discretion, reach back to Florence Break in France. Or continue in the sound and fury, to pretend to exonerate a convicted Mexico.

* Florence Break: do not confuse pride and arrogance * Christian Vanneste, UMP North *

Morgane BRAVO


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