Saturday, February 19, 2011

Screws For Sony Bravia Table Top

* * What are the consequences of the use of the politician Florence Case Break? : Open Letter

France, Mexique, a huge fiasco
Lettre ouverte The Mexican court decision on ruling Cassez triggered last few days in France a series of reactions from the government, political parties and media, which just resulted in a huge fiasco. We have seen a rise in power of position, since the declaration of the Minister of Foreign Affairs refused to participate in events planned for the Year of France in Mexico and the call Martine Aubry asking local Socialist boycott these events and cancel those that depend on them. February 14, dedicating the Year of France in Mexico in Florence Break, Nicolas Sarkozy has taken a heavy responsibility. You can not ask for artists, writers and French scientists, as well as Mexicans, to accept being used as leverage in matters within the justice and diplomacy. This is not acceptable for us French, nor for our Mexican colleagues. It is a mixture of genres unacceptable that led to the decision logic, the Mexican government to withdraw.
Year in Mexico is an event designed to raise awareness of this countries. In no case can it be manipulated by governments as a means of pressing a matter for the judiciary Mexican and French diplomacy. We reaffirm our commitment concerning scientific, cultural and human resources with partners who have always accepted with respect, attention and friendship, and many have chosen to study in France and then work with us.
We ask the French President Chirac to reconsider his decision to dedicate the Year of France in Mexico Cassez and reaffirm our friendship with Mexico.

S IGNATAIRES : Daniele Dehouve, CNRS research director, research director EPHE; Marie-France Fauvet-Berthelot, Museum of Man; Alain Musset, director of studies EHESS; Françoise Lestage, Professor , Université Paris-Diderot; Marguerite Bey IEDES-University of Paris-I; Claude Battalion, CNRS Jean Rivelois, IRD; Helios Figuerola Erea; Gregory Pereira, CNRS Olivia Kindl, el Colegio de San Luis, Mexico; Joëlle Chassin, Professor, University of Paris III; Devineau Julie, sociologist Anne-Marie Vié-Wohrer, Ecole du Louvre / Ephesians; Menget Patrick, director of studies Ephesians; Anne-Marie Losonczy, director of studies Ephesians; Marie-France Prevot Schapira, Professor, University of Paris VIII-credit Anath Ariel de Vidas, CNRS-EHESS ; Battalion Gilles, director of studies EHESS; Francois Lartigue Cies, Mexico; Danielle Zaslavsky, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico Marc Thouvenot, CNRS research director, Eliane Daphy, anthropologist, CNRS engineer; Valentina Vapnarsky, director of the center Erea-CNRS Karine Palatinate, research professor, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico; -Michel Tibon Cornillot, EHESS; Irene Bellier, director of the Laboratory of Anthropology institutions and social organizations -EHESS; Stresser-Claude Pean ethnologist; Serge Gruzinski, CNRS Research Director, Director of Studies EHESS; David Robichaux, Professor, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico; Brigitte Faugere, Professor, University of Paris I; Philippe Macaire, anthropologist; Martine Dauzier, Professor, University East Paris Creteil; Hélène Rivière d'Arc, CNRS Guilhem Olivier, IIH-Unam, Mexico; John Landaburu CNRS research director; Charlotte Arnauld, CNRS research director; Bernard Vincent EHESS research director; Sophie Fisher EHESS; Patrice Mele Professor, University of Tours John Meyer Cide, Mexico; Claudia Cirelli, Citeres UMR-University of Tours Cramaussel Chantal, el Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico; Isabelle Rousseau Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Ceri Sciences-Po Paris; Mongnai Pascal, during Arts of the Americas, School of the Louvre; Urkidi Nadia Prevost, University of Le Havre; Nicolas Ellison, EHESS, Toulouse ; Eric Taladoire, Professor, University of Paris-I; Kali Argyriadis, IRD-ciated Mexico Maria Eugenia Cossio-Zavala, Professor, University Paris-III; Annick Lempérière, University of Paris-I. Séverine Durin, CIES Monterrey, Mexico; Virginia Baby-Collin, University of Provence; Élodie Dupey García-IIH Unam, Mexico; Afranio Garcia EHESS; Mary Carmen Macias, Cemca, Mexico; Nadine Béligand, Cemca, Mexico; Lionel Massun, Mexico Catherine Massun, Mexico Anthony Stanton, el Colegio de Mexico, Mexico; Magali Demanget, University Paul Valery, Montpellier III; Catherine Paquette IRD; Michel Bertrand, University of Toulouse- IUF; Eva Lemonnier, -CNRS UMR 8096; César Itier, Inalco; Nathalie Ragot University Paris-VII; Cécile Gouy-Gilbert, anthropologist; David Recondo, Ceri Sciences Po Paris; Josyane Bouchier, consultant at développement; Marion Du Bron, Oaxaca; Elizabeth Cunin, IRD; Philippe Charles imp-Actes association, Marie-Laure Coubès, the Northern Border College, Mexique; Lise Andries, directrice de recherche, CNRS. C3 % A9norme-fiasco-465 493

* President Calderon demands Respect vers la France Mexico ... President Calderon respeto hacia Francia requires a México *


Cassez * Case: Open Letter to President Sarkozy ... *

Morgane BRAVO


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