Saturday, December 25, 2010

How Long For Flagyl To Work

Merry Christmas

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and new year's entry is good, and if it can be to meet your projects. And if you can be with readings that engage us and make us dream, to keep alive our literary blogosphere and let us share our experiences, that's about it. Agility I hope to be a writer, I have a few books to recommend.
much Enjoy the holidays.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Can You Find Shiny Pokemon Using A Ciayfeary

Results Results

Pedroguense 0-2 Gym
Goals: Reuben and Helio

Initiates A: B vs Leiria
Gym (Postponed)

Initiates B: Battle
1-1 Gym

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Cold Sores Hpv On Lips

Gym 4 - 1 Portomosense
(Michael Matias 2 goals and 2 Janece goals)

Bombarralense 1-1

Monday, December 13, 2010

What Does Dame Mas Duro Mean?


Gymnasium The Gymnasium Beneditense won 2-1, win fair and claw until the end of the game always called. The goals were scored in the second half by Hugo Pereira and Bruno New.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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This Weekend

15h00m by Sunday at the Estadio Municipal de Alcobaça, do not miss the derby vs Beneditense Gym, we will support the team in our City! Support the

Gym Club Alcobaça!

What Are Ground Pokemon In Pokemon Indigo

Gym 2-3 GD Atouguiense
(Goals: Tiago Alves Janece "2)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Your Cervix A Week Before Your Period

Advance Games Game weekend

Seniors: Wine
Fig. 1-2 Gym
(Goals: Ruben Silva and Bula)

Gym 3-2
Nazarenes (Goals: Michael Roach, Miguel Martin and Rafael Tereso)

Youth: SL Navy
"A" 4-1

Open Gym: Óbidos
AE 0-8 Gym

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Difference Between Studable And Studless Tires

Game Delayed

Caranguejeira 1-4 Gym
( Goals Michael Matias, Nuno Pacheco, Tiago Alves and Own Goal)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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The Corsican Brothers by Alexandre Dumas

The Corsican Brothers , 1844, set in Corsica and France in 1841, and narrated in first person by the same Alexandre Dumas, his experiences on a trip to the island, when, while staying at the house of Franchi , met Mrs. Savilian and his son Lucien, cheerful and outgoing young man, inclined to country life and he tells you has a twin brother named Louis who lives in Paris and is, instead, calm and peaceful. At birth, both were attached to the side and although they were separated, the union stood for always making one feel the pain of another and vice versa, regardless of the distance that separated ...
Through the life of the Corsican family and look of a distinguished foreign viewer, the reader will approach the customs of Corsica in the nineteenth century, especially on the famous vendettas, and the Paris of the period, with its festivals and its challenges to a duel.
The story and the evocative images of the novel have led that has been filmed numerous times.

Revenge after a cruel injustice it constantly in the works of Alexandre Dumas, this I learned very well all that vibrate reading that immortal novel, The Count of Monte Cristo. But this time in The Corsican Brothers spoken of vendettas, which at that time on the island of Corsica was a whole culture.

The beginning of history and surprises, with description of Dumas is the narrator in this story is a character, so I was curious. Everything described, conveys that the writer loves Corsica and adapts quickly to life there. Quickly feel comfortable with Mrs. Savilian Franchi and his son Lucien, and engages in the history of this family. That's how he knows everything about the twin brother Lucien, Louis. The novel clearly has two distinct parts. The second part takes place when Dumas traveling alone to Paris, where he meets Louis. From there, the pace of the plot grows dramatically. Dumas had only been able to create this story of intrigue, duels, mystery ... It has its seal.

The ending is exciting, except that they devour the last pages, the tense atmosphere is impressive, and important detail of the plot will be key. So with all this, I can only say that I'm faced with another teacher over Dumas novel that I loved and recommend.
By the way, I have to say that the edition of this book is really nice, along with the cover.

"-" And since then he has repeated the appearance? "Said Lucien.
"No, but I have called quite frequently, but may God grant the purity of the child privileges which denies the corruption of man. "

" We stopped at the door Duvisme, just enough to order a case of guns, gunpowder and bullets, and then we start putting the horses trot. "

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THE MANDARIN Jose Maria Eca de Queiroz

" In faraway China there is a mandarin filthy rich. Nothing you know about him, or his name or his face, or that silk dress. To inherit his inexhaustible riches enough to touch the bell that is your hand on a book. Mandarin only exhale a sigh on the borders of Mongolia. When will a dead body. And you will see at your feet more gold than you can dream. You who are reading this and you are mortal man, "will touch the bell?"

My first reading provided on this Portuguese author was Basilio's cousin, but before I forward this delightful short story called The Mandarin, of which 90 pages are read almost anything, like a story (east in this case) is involved.
known Teodoro existence of a great bell of a mandarin, he decides to play, because if you do, Mandarin die and inherit all its immense riches. Teodoro just do not know what to do, though at first the euphoria of power has not made you aware if anything ... The hero learns that wealth is absolute and can not give happiness, but rather the opposite, envelope the degree of moral decay and personal destruction. If you stop to think it's frightening. In this story, with fantastic trip to East and descriptions, the author leaves us with a disturbing final. From all this, you can take positive or optimistic analysis, and is to hold on to keep us more material things will make us happier.

Queiroz's first experience has been rewarding, it is certainly a good storyteller, so I recommend this novella. Right now I'll discover his work. Next to outline here is Basilio's cousin. A friend of mine calls it the Portuguese Galdós. And I will be discussing my views on this new author.

"Our eyes were wet sometimes a black satin box above the couch, where they were, in Chinese characters, phrases sacred holy book of Li-Nun on the duties of the wife. But none of us understood the Chinese ... And in the silence, our kisses turned to start, spaced, sounding sweet and comparable (in the flowery language of those countries) pearls falling one by one, on a silver platter ... Oh, soft nap in the gardens of Beijing! Where are you now? Where are you, dead leaves of the scarlet lilies of Japan? "

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Pathophysiology Of Fibroids

Gym 4-0 Ansião

The Gym received Ansião and again exceeded a journey. In the starting eleven holder was:

99 - Vitor Maranhão
23 - Serginho
13 - Bula
8 - 15
Silva - Carlos Fernandes
4 - Helio
21 - Tiago Lopes
10 - Nuno Coelho
20 - Bruno New ( Goal 1)
9 - 14-Fabio
Ruben Silva (3 goals)

5 - Nuno Sousa (Out Silva)
2 - Hugo (James Lim Out)
6 - Bruno (Daniel Nuno Coelho Out

Old Ladies Wearing Stockings

Gym 4-0 Ansião (Ruben Silva (3) and Bruno New)

SC Pombal Juniors 3-4 Gym (Tiago Alves Janece, "Rafael Tereso, Denis Marques and Nuno Pacheco)

Gym 0-1 Marinhense

Initiates A:
Gym 7-0 Caranguejeira (2 Simon Francis, Joseph Catela 2, Dinis Quitério, Andrew Vitorino, John Sousa)

Initiates B:
Bárrio 0-6 Gym

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Results Results Results Fut-7

Kids sub-13 'A': 1
Ferrel - GCA

Kids 26 sub-13 'B': GCA
12 - Monte Real Kids

a sub- 12:
Garcia 3 - 2 GCA

The Benjamins:
'A' Alfeizerense 1 - 13 GCA

The Benjamins 'B': GCA
6 - 1 Mirense

Monday, November 22, 2010

Unhandled Exception:c0000005 Fix

Seniors: Sl Navy 2-3 Gymnasium (Ruben, Fabinho and Helium)

Juniors: Gym 1-2 Marrazes SL (Marco)

Youth: Caranguejeira 5-0

Open Gym: Grap 1-1

Open Gym B : Gym B 0-4 B Marinhense

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The Gym won by 3-2 in the Navy and rose to first place!

GC Alcobaça: Vitor Maranhão, Serginho, Carlos Fernandes, Bula and Silva, Helio, Nuno Coelho (Hugo Pereira), Tiago Lopes (Fabio Rosado), Fabio, Bruno Reuben and New (Davide Gonçalves)
Coach: Walter Star

Reuben Silva, Fabio; Helium

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monica Geller Ring Friends

tATu Sparks

is no mystery to those who read me usually my favorite band group of all time is tATu:) With all the time who had not updated the blog, added to the complicated life that I (take this opportunity to apologize for not keeping up) I missed the world premiere the second single from the band's third album, Waste Management. Those who live in Latin America or Russia are lucky enough to get to buy it in physical format. It is unclear if this album promoted in the European market. Material have is a matter of finding the right partners.

finish giving THANKS to all new followers with whom I've found on the back to the blog (and always to be entered from time to time to check if he published new things, and to know me.) Although no new material has been published in a long time, has continued to increase the number of visits and that the truth is to be grateful heart. A hug.

Sparks Are Flying in my head ....

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readings: The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Today, John Steinbeck is one of my favorite American authors. Of the four novels I've read it, I think two deserve more than a rereading (healthy exercise that we can not practice as much as we wanted, overwhelmed by the stack of pending): the masterful The Grapes of Wrath and The Pearl.
After the first reading of La Perla (over my life I repeat), I confirm my view that is a little gem of literature does reflect a lot and would remove many consciences. The issue of human greed remains a constant, but this reading has made me more the relationship of parents Coyotito and their struggle for survival, and strength and courage of the mother. This passage struck me that I rescued, I share here with you.

"" Dr. Kino will not come, "said Joan.

She looked at him with eyes as cold as a lioness. It was the first son of Juana, almost everything that was in the world to her. Kino noticed his determination and the music sounded familiar in brain with steely tone.

"Then we'll go to him, decided to Juana. With one hand he ordered the blue shawl over her head making a back end to the crying child and the other covered her eyes against the light. "

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of Benito Perez Galdos Luchana

The core of this episode is the battle of Luchana, decisive for the further development of Carlist War, and the figure of General Espartero that she managed to claim victory . Interwoven with the historical fact, however, still figuring out the ups and downs of love and life Calpena Fernando liberal and romantic, character Galdós served to thread throughout this third series.

Since concluded Mendizabal's been a while, so to put myself (and situate), remember that Luchana is the fourth episode of the Third of Series EE NN. The good news is starting to emerge, we hope to continue this trend our Galdós, and when I consider the best in this third installment, with some parts reminiscent of glorious moments of the episodes.

not reveal anything saying that we are going to learn to admire more, if anything, the character of Fernando Calpena, continues to evolve more in this battle of Luchana, sublimely portrayed by Don Benito, and basting frame for it makes us much to show solidarity Calpena (and who wants to know more, you get to the end ...).

The plot, space, recreation around Aura is different from the heat of Luchana, it seems that there are two distinct parts. She also undergoes changes in this issue, while waiting for Fernando, but the author handles this part of history with the characteristic style soap opera, with the addition of new characters, protected her.


" I think politics is not by feelings but by virtue, and as we have them, low achievers."

"Oh, no, my friend, I'm very finished, and I am not a shadow of what it was. I really do not need the head, and I argue like my best times, but I will view. There are days when I see three on a donkey, and if I like this very soon I shall be blind. This grieves me because I plan to reach the nineties. Regarding my age, you will have heard a thousand legends. Some believe that I have fulfilled the century, and I recess ... Humbug: at least ten years ago I gave up that innocent coquetry.

"It represents you," wanting to flatter-up Calpena seventy ... seventy-two everything else.

- Oh, how flattering and what bon enfant! No, son ... you grow a little, and reach the seventy-eight. Yes sir, I came to the world in the noble city of Olite, in 1758. You take a look at everything that encompasses the space between that date and the Rogue 36. Yes sir, in 1758, took him eleven years with Napoleon and Wellington, who were born 69, Mozart was older than me in two years, and Schiller a year younger. Goya, my friend, the painter's very famous, I had twelve years, and I took him nine to D. Manuel Godoy. Like Napoleon, other celebrities who have already died, Beethoven, Moratín, Talma, they were much younger than me ...

- What a prodigious memory!

"Do not say you recall, say you years. When one is in the doldrums, is entertaining to adjust these sad accounts, comparing old ages ... "

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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In 1967, Adam Walker is a young poet eager for life and literature, with many more future than past. Study in University of Columbia, opposed the Vietnam War, and also-that they say those who know him, because he does not seem to realize, is gorgeous. And one night at a student party, he meets a French couple very sophisticated, very seductive. The first thing that calls attention to Adam is his name, Rudolf Born, as Bertrand de Born, the Provencal poet in one of the songs of Dante has his own severed head in his hands. And after several days of ambiguous seduction in which the couple is weaving its web of invisible around the beautiful and innocent American, Rudolf Born, who is a visiting professor at Columbia the School of International Affairs, Adam gives the address of a literary magazine that he financed .

Invisible is my third reading of Mr. Auster after Brooklyn Follies and Timbuktu. Has been a different reading experience. With the same background that we often have used this author, but different. Adam Walker is one of those characters you love to know every detail of his, and in this book we know, but gradually. Let's say this is a story within a story, and the change of narrative voice, do not know whether to real events or not.

Adam, an aspiring poet, willing to give everything for his passion for literature, the first thing that sparked my enthusiasm for this character meets Rudolf and Margot Born. His life changes completely. In Rudolf Auster recreates one of the most despicable personalities. As the novel progresses, there are many events phobias gruesome awakening to this character. What has merit: to create characters from both ends, hated or loved.

not reach the level of Brooklyn Follies, I think a successful novel, especially after the unexpected twist that gives the final, and certainly recommend it.


" absolutely do not remember why I was there. Someone should invite me, but has long since left my memory who might be. (...) What I remember is this: at some point in the evening, I found myself alone in a corner of the room. He was smoking a cigarette as he watched people, dozens and dozens of young bodies crammed into the confines of that space, hearing the loud mix of words and laughter, wondering what the hell was he doing there and thinking that maybe it was time to leave. There was an ashtray on a radiator to my left, and when I turned to put the cigarette I saw that subject in the palm of the hand of a stranger, full of cigarette butts receptacle amounted to me. Not that he had noticed two people had just sat down in the radiator, a man and a woman, both older than me, and no doubt longer than any that were in the room: he was about thirty-five, she twenty-nine or thirty. "

Monday, September 13, 2010

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Works in September 2010

Black Marble of Belgium (the purest in Europe)
H: ~ 60 cm

'OR' ynes "

Limestone 35% quartz Chassepierre (identical to our main square of Brussels Jodoigne) The polishing part and more.

H ~ 34 cm ~ 11 kg

"KALINA" Collection
Rance H: ~ 23 ~ 5.5 kg cm

Limestone Chassepierrre of 35% quartz, similar to Jodoigne and to our 'Place de Brux .
Tecnique special polishing.
H: ~ 42 cm.

inspired by a surfing very feminine .
Black Marble purest of Belgium (Mazy)
H: ~ 37 cm.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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French Schools

Nothing like a spot of controversy to start the new term. There has been an interesting debate going on in the French press concerning the effectiveness of the French education system, thought to be one of the most rigorous in Europe. Adding spice to the argument is that the book highlighting the system's shortcomings is written by an Englishman working as a lecturer in the prestigious Sciences-Po in Paris. This story was taken from the blog and makes for very thought-provoking reading. Peter Gumbel reveals how, in his view, the education system in France is highly selective while also demotivating a large number of the average to weaker pupils. He also goes on to criticize how French schools do not cater fully for the other educational skills which help adolescents to develop for example, sport, drama and music. Here is the link to the original story in the Nouvel Observateur and a further article in the Guardian .

Monday, June 28, 2010

Noise Makers For Cheer Compititions

LGBT Pride Day

A day to feel proud of the diversity of humanity and also be proud that more and more places in the world all live in peace. What should prevail in this world is love, tolerance and respect, rather than other things. I for one believe that.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

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Sleep of my life

After many weeks removed from the world of the blogosphere, I'm back and soon I'll get to the promised reviews and more in the future that I have thought to give life to blog. I thought of writing this entry to explain my passion for animals, yes, my other passion besides literature. As a child dreamed of being an animal doctor, my mother always instilled in me the love for them, and besides in my house since I've had use of reason we have pets. Luckily, my mother's family also has many animals in the field and I could see what a farm. All that made me say that respect and love animals, and achieve what the veterinary vocation time. Although not yet finished the race, I have my ideas clear, and no matter how many years later, because I work to pay me and fill up or am fulfilling my dream.
Sometimes life is difficult and can take disappointment because people prejudge you up to how long it takes to finish a race. But I've chosen a clean, free of hiprocresías, and I stand by that I am fulfilling the dream of my life bit by bit, by myself, thanks to my efforts. I do not care what people think of me, today.
I leave this video for my school, which I'm very proud, which is really nice, is dedicated especially to Fernando for being Coldplay one of his favorite bands, and Isi is also studying Veterinary:).
Happy summer reading.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Leaving Certificate French and Spanish

The language examinations are almost completed; there is one candidate for Italian on Friday. Reaction to the French paper was mixed. The written topics were welcomed in the Higher paper, there being something for everyone to tackle. One aspect to be questioned is the reintroduction of topics like 'fashion' and 'obeisity' in the written section in that it inevitably leads to pupils trying to spot questions from year to year. The comprehensions were fair but tricky; you would need to have a very complete comprehension of the piece to answer all the questions correctly. The listening seemed to be reasonable enough, few yelps of delight or dismay. The English paper was greeted with more equanimity. Pupils seemed to like the topics that arose and found the comprehension pieces accessible.

Monday, May 31, 2010

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EXHIBITION Demo personal and collective

"ROCSANA" Collection

Exhibitions Nivelles and Souvret
Collection marble statuettes and other Belgians.
small-medium sculptures. Marbles mainly Belgians finest and most contrasted by Polis and frosted single called "style discovery."
Expo Dates. see heading and you are all welcome.
Demo. Saturday, 11/9/2010 Heritage Oblige the Museum of Marble RANCE to 14 pm épanelage a large block of marble Rance made available by the Museum on the spot if the weather permits, and various semi-finished dégrossisages in rocks and marbles will be presented along with finished statues in glass cases at the Museum entrance.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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TY Modern Languages evening

Last evening saw the first of our TY modern languages evenings. There were nine presentations by members of the 4th Form, five in French and four in English. These were based on short projects that the whole form had done in class and were selected to be presented on this evening. Those who presented were:
Shannen Keogan Review of the Language Plays
Rab Sheeran Voyage à la Rochelle
Zuleika O 'Malley Salvador Dali
Robin Fitzpatrick selection of French rugby
Emma Moore El Flamenco
Kim Jennings The duration and buttons
Claire Conway Gaudi's Sagrada Familia y
Lingfan Gao travel to Lyon
Alex Traill Mi estancia in Vigo

Congratulations to Lingfan Gao is Winning the French section and Ciara Conway is Winning the English section.

Monday, May 17, 2010

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International Day against LGBT phobia

another year, range, our LGBT Gran Canaria, has come together to reclaim this day along with other English cities, as does the FELGTB from Madrid, and other associations which it is embedded. This year will struggle to raise awareness of the rights of transgender people to live decently, and that they are not designated as ill. So in this May 17 you look closely to transphobia, hoping that within two years no longer consider the sexual identity chosen by each person to be happy as a pathology.

seems unthinkable that these things happen in the XXI century, but still happening. I stop to think as a person not a transsexual, it's as simple as respecting human diversity, and enrich it. Those who once discriminated to be put in the place of another, at least a little, and have a shred of humanity. As long as there are people who will take away the dignity that they deserve to others on grounds of sexual orientation or identity, will require more days like these.

I want to be optimistic and think of a future where all live together with respect. I extend the model of Europe and Canada.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Farewell Party Invitation Quotes

Language Plays 2010

The language plays took place last evening, providing the audience with lots of entertainment and amusement. First up was Form I English with a play called Mi amigo Fred followed by Form II's take on Cendrillon, the 'cinderella' story (stepmother and ugly sisters pictured above) written by the French author Charles Perrault . The Irish play, An clócín dearg (Little Red Riding Hood) , was performed by Form IV. A new addition this year was the play in Russian, Kolobok , written for the stage by Igor Verkovskiy (Form V). To finish we had the hilarious and colourful, Dorn Roeschen, the tale of Sleeping Beauty performed in German by Form V. There is a slideshow of pictures in the sidebar to the right. More reviews by pupils to follow.